Friday, April 27, 2012

Basic SEO Tips To Get You Started(Contd.)

Back Again !!!!!

So, How was the last incomplete post? Eager to know what next? Here is the last part of the topics for you. Fasten you sit belt and go get it.... 


Avoid Flash

Avoid FlashFlash might look pretty, but it does nothing for        your SEO. According to the Search Engine Journal,
"Frames, Flash and AJAX all share a common problem – you can’t link to a single page...
Don’t use Frames at all and use Flash and AJAX sparingly for best SEO results."

"If you absolutely MUST have your main page as a
splash page that is all Flash or one big image, place text and navigation links below the fold," the post continues.


Image descriptions

Spiders can only search text, not text in your
images -- which is why you need to make the
Image descriptionswords associated with your images as
descriptive as possible.

Start with your image names: adding an "ALT" tag
allows you to include a keyword-rich description for every image on your site. Perfect Optimization explains an easy way to do this.The visible text around your images is valuable for SEO:

MarketPosition suggests adding captions to all your
pictures and being descriptive with the text in
immediate physical proximity to your images.



Your content needs to be fresh -- updating regularly              
and often is crucial for increasing traffic.

"The best sites for users, and consequently for
search engines, are full of oft-updated, useful information about a given service, product, topic or discipline,"  MarketingVox explains.

One way to ensure that your site
gets new content on a frequent basis is to integrate a blog. "Get the owner or CEO blogging. It’s priceless!" the Search Engine Journal suggests. An executive blog is an excellent way to reach out to your clients, create more opportunities for internal and external linking, while giving your site a more
personal voice.


Social media distribution

Social media distributionA CEO blog is just one element of social media      distribution, an important SEO strategy according 
to SEO Consult. You should be distributing links
to fresh content on your site across appropriate 
social networking platforms.

Whether displayed on your company's account,
or recommended, re-tweeted, and re-distributed by
someone else, this strategy exponentially muliplies the number of places where visitors will view your links.

Link to others

An easy way to direct more traffic to your site is       
Link to othersby developing relationships with other sites.

PC World suggests that you personally ask
the webmasters of well-respected sites if they'll
include a link to your site on theirs. Be sure to
return the favor -- then everyone wins!

Make certain that your partner has a good
web-reputation, of course. MarketingVox
warns against getting tied to a "link farm"
whose bad SEO habits could bring you down.

HeRe is the complete list of tips to basic SEO from me for you. Hope you find it useful for you to accomplish your job. Happy doings and EnJoY.....

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