Friday, February 24, 2012

Places To Post Content With DoFollow Links

Have you noticed that Linkbuilding in SEO has gotten harder and harder? It used to be that everybody had a links page and was more than happy to trade. Then directories came about, then social media. Those days are over.

Nobody has a links page anymore, directories are pretty useless, and most social media sites have gone to digg style bars or started using the rel=nofollow tag.

So where does a shady SEO practictioner go to get links to his site? Blogs and other content hosting sites!

Here’s a list of 21 places you can post your own content complete with links that do not receive a nofollow tag.

Many of these places are content hosting sites, so you’d be best to write some unique content for each. A few are profile sites that let you list URLs.

Here are 21 Places To Post Content With DoFollow Link.

There you go. Create 21 unique blog posts are articles with links and start spamming away. 

Of course, after this post that may change, so your mileage my vary. 

Good luck:

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