Thursday, March 4, 2010

Linking StumbleUpon with Blog.

As we learned in my earlier post What is StumbleUpon how the StumbleUpon service can help drive traffic to our blogs. While the word traffic makes most of us cringe in our every day, offline lives. We know that traffic in the online world is our friend - and ultimately one of the most important keys to Earn Money Smartly from Home with our blogs.

In this post I want to show you how easy it is to create a link on your Blogger blog that will direct your reader to your StumbleUpon profile. This will increase the value of your blog experience with your readers and will help promote, and generate more money from your blogs content down the road.

It's time to navigate over to
StumbleUpon and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click on the Tools & Buttons option in the footer menu.

You will find that the StumbleUpon Buttons and Tools page gives you access to some really nifty features. But today we're most interested in linking our blogs to our StumbleUpon profiles to help spread the word. Go ahead and click on the Link to Your Profile.

Here you are on the Link to Your Profile page, you're presented with several options. Choose one and copy and paste the HTML inside the text box directly to the right. Experiment with a few and see which one you like best -- You can always come back to this page and select another if your first choice isn't ideal.

As you seen the code has been generated, now that you have to copy the HTML, log into Blogger and click on the Layout page. Here we're going to Add a Page Element and select the HTML/JavaScript option.

Nothing more just simply paste the HTML code you got from StumbleUpon into the form and save your changes. That's it!

At this point you can easily move around the element in your layout until you're satisfied. My personal recommendation is that you keep the StumbleUpon link near the top so it's visible to your readers.

In just a matter of minutes we were able to link our Blogger blogs to our StumbleUpon profiles. This process is going to go a long way in helping us: 

1) Network with other bloggers, 
2) Drive traffic to our blog, and 
3) Help us Earn Money Smartly from Home by pulling in readers.

With this post I've completed my 50th post since I start blogging regarding Earn Money Smartly from Home. Hope you enjoyed this article. Until next time… go
earn yourself some Smart money with your blog!

So, it will be pleasing enough for me if you helped yourself a little bit by reading my post with your journey to Earn Money Smartly from Home.

Keep reading and be updated now and future with the post coming next and be delighted and cheerful all the way.

1 comment:

  1. Find out how 1,000's of individuals like YOU are working for a LIVING by staying home and are living their dreams TODAY.


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