Saturday, October 31, 2009

Search Engine Optimization

What is Search Engine Optimization?

"Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results as opposed to search engine marketing (SEM) which deals with paid inclusion. Typically, the earlier (or higher) a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search and industry-specific vertical search engines. This gives a web site web presence.

As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work and what people search for. Optimizing a website primarily involves editing its content and HTML and associated coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines.

The acronym "SEO" can also refer to "search engine optimizers," a term adopted by an industry of consultants who carry out optimization projects on behalf of clients, and by employees who perform SEO services in-house. Search engine optimizers may offer SEO as a stand-alone service or as a part of a broader marketing campaign. Because effective SEO may require changes to the HTML source code of a site, SEO tactics may be incorporated into web site development and design. The term "search engine friendly" may be used to describe web site designs, menus, content management systems, images, videos, shopping carts, and other elements that have been optimized for the purpose of search engine exposure."
                                                                                         ................................ That's what Wiki says

How to get listed with popular Search Engine?

Getting listed in Google and the other popular search engines is one of the most effective ways of directing free, targeted traffic to your website.

Below you'll discover what the search engines look for when determining your page rank so you can optimize your pages for best results. This is often called SEO or search engine optimization.

Now a days, the marjority of  traffic comes from the major search engines.

How Search Engines Determine Your Rank?

Before you try to add your site to the search engines, you should understand what they look for when they decide how to rank your site. Just because you're listed doesn't mean you'll get traffic. You have to make sure your site is search engine ready.

The general rule of thumb is that most engines use a "formula" to determine keyword relevancy. The technical term is called an "algorithm", and each search engine has its own unique algorithm that it uses to rank pages.

Generally, this magic formula consists of your page title, overall body content and the number and quality of links pointing back to your site, how long people stay on your site, etc.

It's important to note that every engine is different. Some may look at inbound links (number of people linking to you), others may place more emphasis on your body content. These days, meta tag content is becoming less and less important.

In case you don't know, meta tags are hidden descriptors that appear at the beginning of your HTML code, inside your tag. They may be invisible to your visitor's eyes, but search engine spiders can read them.

They usually consist of a title, description, and keyword tag and they look something like this:

<title>Title of Your Site</title>
<meta name="description" content="Description
of your site here.">
<meta name="keywords" content="keywords
separated by commas">

Because of abuse, many search engines no longer use these tags to help rank pages, but you should still include them because they do use them to display information about your site.

For example, whatever is inside the the <title> tag is what the search engine will use as the title of your site in the search results.

Don't fall over.............

Don't stress out over the meta tags. You should definitely use them on every page. Just understand that how well you rank depends on how popular your site becomes over time.

 Google, Yahoo and Bing (Live) - The Big Three

There are a handful of engines out there that bring traffic, but the reality is a very large percentage of search engine traffic comes from Google, Yahoo and Bing. Yes, there are other engines like AOL, Netscape etc., but they pull their results from the Big 3.

So in other words, once you start getting traffic from Google, Yahoo and Bing, you'll rank well in the others automatically.

Be patient a little bit..........take a cup of tea or coffee.

To learn more on SEO visit Google Webmaster Central.

We'll be right back with more details on how to getting listed on those BIG three .

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Make Money With an Information Website

The Internet has been life-changing over the past few years. Any one can earn enough to stay at home full-time with internet and now a days this kind of success online one can  really dreamed of it.

How can you EARN a LIVING from a website ?

Simply pick a topic you love and write a website about it. All you need is information. You don't even have to have your own product or service to sell.

The more passionate you are about the topic, the easier it will be to keep adding information, develop your unique spin and expanding the site. The larger the site, the more it will benefit you in terms of free search engine traffic and revenue. After start you'll also learn how it is..........

I want to show you that it is possible to make an honest living online without spamming or scamming people. All you need is time, patience and the desire to learn.

You also can't be a stranger to hard work. I've put in some serious time over the years. In fact, I still do even though the money is rolling in now. I sacrificed many evenings, weekends, holidays, etc. to devote to this venture.

I'm constantly reading, adding new information to my sites, researching and observing what others are doing to stay ahead of the curve. However, the best part about it is, it doesn't feel like real work because I thoroughly enjoy it.

That is important and unfortunately most people don't get that part of it. They believe that the desire to make money will be enough motivation to become successful.   It's not.

If that were the case, everyone would have a successful money-making website. I mean, who doesn't want to make a lot of money, right?

The money comes as a result of doing what you enjoy!

It's not the other way around. If you don't enjoy it, you won't be successful because you'll eventually get burned out.

How You Can Make Money

The Internet is the information highway. Everyday millions of people go to Google, MSN and Yahoo to perform searches on anything from potting plants to investing stocks.

People want information and the way you can benefit from this is to build a website that gives people what they are looking for.

The money comes in with affiliate programs. These are programs that are offered by companies that pay website owners to refer their products.

Generally, they pay a certain percentage for every sale that comes in as a result of your site's referral. has one and it's very popular among website owners.

Google's Free Affiliate Program

Thank goodness for programs like Google Adsense. This is a slightly different type of affiliate program because you don't have to get your visitors to buy anything.

You simply help Google advertise by displaying some text ads on your pages and they pay you for every click each ad receives. Thanks to Google's technology the ads that will be displayed match your site's content.

 I use Adsense on  my websites and I am quite pleased with the results as a recent starter.

No Products to Ship or Manage

The nice thing about information websites that make money from affiliate programs (rather than selling hard goods) is that you can leave your website for days, weeks or months and still continue to make money without having to handle inventory or talk to customers.

Remember, your site serves as the middleman and refers products for other company websites. The actual company that pays you is the one that ships the products and deals with the customers.

An online business is no different than an offline. Even though there are some differences in how the businesses are run, they both require time, work and patience.

But the great thing about online is once you are established you can leave your site for months and still come back to the same income. I don't know many offline companies that can say that!

The Best Way to Build Your Site

Now that you know a bit about how you can earn money with an information website, you need to select a web host so you can build your website.

If you've read any other parts of the "EarnMoney" section of this site, you'll see the words "Blogger" everywhere. People can ask me why I promote that product ?.

My answer is always very simple...

I am satisfied and it works!

So, As a starter why don't you experince it !!!!  Go get it.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Using FeedBurner

Once you create your blog, you'll want to learn a bit about RSS feeds and how to mange and promote your blog's feed.

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and it's a file (often called a web feed) that contains information about your most recent blog posts.

So if someone wants to keep up with your newest content, they can subscribe to your feed using their favorite RSS reader.

I use Google Reader to keep up with blogs I follow, but there are a ton of free RSS readers available. The Firefox browser even has one built in to the Bookmarks feature.

What is Feedburner?

Feedburner (FB) is a free service owned by Google that tracks information about your RSS feed. It reports how many subscribers/readers you have and also provides ways to promote and display your feed content.

This is how many RSS feed subscribers/readers I have on my blog Earn Money Smartly from Home today. The number updates everyday based on statistics Feedburner gathers about your feed's readership.

So Feedburner allows you to display this info on your site if you wish and you can customzie the color of the widget. Of course, if you'd rather not announce your stats to the world, you can view them privately in the comfort of your own Feedburner account.

What is a Feed URL?

Before you get started with Feedburner, you need to find out your blog's feed address.

1) If you are using Blogger, look at the bottom of your blog template. There is probably a link that says something like Posts (Atom). Hover your mouse over the link and right-click, then choose "Copy Link Location" or "Copy Shortcut".

2) If you're using WordPress then your RSS feed is probably something like or (if your blog is on a sudomain).

This is the feed URL of your blog and it's automatically updated when you make a new post.

 How to Join Feedburner?

When you join FB, the first thing they will ask you to do is "burn your feed." This is where you enter the URL that I showed you how to locate above.

That means you are going to redirect this original feed URL to a new Feedburner address for tracking and reporting.

So instead of using the original blog feed address, you will use your new FB address for promotion. Now, when telling people to subscribe to your blog, you will send them to the FB address.

For example, the Feedburner address/URL for my blog is...

Now you're ready to start promoting your feed so people can subscribe to it.

Most people link to their feeds using the infamous, orange RSS icon and a hyperlink. An example is below...

 Subscribe to my blog's RSS feed

I would highly recommend making your feed link visible. If your audience loves your site, they'll be looking for this link.

Displaying Your RSS Feed Items on Web Pages

One cool thing about FB is that you can publicize your feed data very easily. Say you have a website and a blog and you want to show your most recent blog post titles on your website's homepage.

This is simple to do with Feedburner. You just go to the "Publicize" tab and select "Buzz Boost." Follow the steps, copy and paste the code into your site and your latest blog posts will automatically populate on your site.

Here's an Example:

Hopefully you can see that Feedburner is such a valuable tool for tracking, reporting and promoting your blog's RSS feed. Sign up today!Go to:

To learn more about syndication go to Here.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Creating RSS feed

Creating RSS Feeds for Your site

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or it's sometimes referred to as Rich Site Summary. It's an XML-based content format for distributing news, headlines, content, etc.

Most popular sites news sites and blogs provide RSS feeds for you to subscribe to. All you need is a feed reader to view its contents.

Feed readers come in all shapes and sizes these days. The Firefox browser has one built right into the Bookmarks feature. I use Google Reader.

You can also create feeds for your own website so your audience can subscribe to them. If you update your content frequently and promote the feed effectively, it can help drive more steady traffic to your website.

What's the advantages of Creating RSS Feeds

More Traffic

For webmasters this is an excellent way to bring repeat traffic to your site. Think about it....every time a web surfer opens their RSS reader to get the headlines for all the sites they monitor, they'll also see your site's updates.

Instead of relying on them to bookmark your site and return at a later date, their RSS reader keeps your site fresh in their minds.

So when they open their reader to check the headlines for CNN, Yahoo or any other feeds they subscribe to, they'll also get the latest updates from you!

Avoid Email Spam Filters

Many webmasters are now dumping their newsletters and switching to this method of content distribution because you don't have to worry about dodging the spam filters.

I don't think that RSS will completely replace email newsletters, but I can see them definitely being used as an alternative more and more.

When you send an email newsletter more than 40-50% of the people won't even receive it due to spam filters or because of the fact it gets lost in all the junk mail your subscribers receive.

With RSS feeds, you don't have to worry about that because you're not sending an email, your simply sending out a news feed for all the readers to pick up.

Export Your RSS Feed

The cool thing about these feeds is that other people can use them as content on their site. So if you have a feed that is of particular interest to another webmaster, they can post your content on their site with a simple javascript code. This is another great traffic opportunity!

Use a Blog Instead

If you don't want to buy extra software to create your RSS feed, there is another way to create one for free.

You can create a free blog at and the RSS feed URL is automatically generated for you. This is the easiest way to go. So every time you post to your blog, the feed is updated instantly.

WordPress is another site that offers a free blog equipped with and RSS feeds.
Read about How to create your own blog Here.

Announcing Your Feeds on Your Blogsite

One of the easiest ways to announce your feed on your site is to use They provide a redirect URL (address) for your feed that your audience subscribes to.

The benefit is that if you move your blog and your RSS feed URL changes, you don't have to worry about losing your subscribers because the redirect URL they provide stays the same.

FeedBurner provides several methods of announcing your RSS feeds. You can display a traditional RSS button, rotate your feeds in banner-style on your web pages, etc.

How to Get the Most out of RSS

If you really take the time to learn how to effectively use RSS feeds, it can really boost your site's traffic. Here's a book written by someone who really knows his stuff. There's some great advice here for promoting your feed once you've created it.Check it now.

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