Sunday, December 18, 2011

Steps to Take Increasing Blog Traffic

The complaints that now a days very often heard from bloggers is the fact that no matter how hard they try, they can’t grow their blogs daily page views in a reasonable state. Those early days are indeed the hardest, because you need to put hard work in without the certainty of achieving results. 


If you are in that same situation, here is a simple strategy that will certainly increase your blog traffic and make you break the initial tidy daily page views mark. In fact, the strategy could be used even if your are already over that number but have reached a traffic plateau lately.

Just make sure to execute the 4 steps as planned and to spend the two hours and a half every day (obviously if you have more time available you can expand the time spent on each of the four steps proportionally).

Step 1: Killer Articles

Spend one hour brainstorming, researching and writing killer articles (also called link baits, pillar articles and so on).
Notice that your goal is to release one killer article every week. If that is not possible aim for one every 15 days. So the one hour that you will spend every day will be dedicated to the same piece. In other words, expect killers articles to take from 5 up to 10 hours of work.
If you are not familiar with the term, a killer article is nothing more than a long and structured article that has the goal of delivering a huge amount of value to potential visitors. If you have a web design blog, for example, you could write an article with “100 Free Resources for Designers”. Here are some ideas for killer articles:
  • create a giant list of resources,
  • write a detailed tutorial teaching people how to do something,
  • find a solution for a common problem in your niche and write about it, or
  • write a deep analysis on a topic where people have only talked superficially
When visitors come across your killer article, you want them to have the following reaction: “Holy crap! This is awesome. I better bookmark it. Heck, I better even mention this on my site and on my Twitter account, to let my readers and friends know about it.” 

Step 2: Networking
Networking is essential, especially when you are just getting started. The 30 minutes that you will dedicate to it every day could be split among:
  • commenting on other blogs in your niche,
  • linking to the posts of bloggers in your niche, and
  • interacting with the bloggers in your niche via email, IM or Twitter.
Remember that your goal is to build genuine relationships, so don’t approach people just because you think they can help to promote your blog. Approach them because you respect their work and because you think the two of you could grow together.

Step 3: Promotion

The first activity here is the promotion of your killer articles. Whenever you publish one of them, you should push it in any way you can. Examples include:
  • letting the people in your network know about it (don’t beg for a link though),
  • letting bloggers and webmasters in relevant niches know about it,
  • getting some friends to submit the article to social bookmarking sites,
  • getting some friends to Twitter the article, and
  • posting about the article in online forums and/or newsgroups.
If there is time left, spend it with search engine optimization, social media marketing and activities to promote your blog as whole. Those can range from keyword research to promoting your blog on Facebook and guest blogging.

Step 4: Normal Posts

Just like a man does not live by bread alone, a blog does not live by killer articles alone. Normal posts are the ones that you will publish routinely in your blog, between the killer articles. For example, you could publish a killer article every Monday and normal posts from Tuesday through Friday. Here are some ideas for normal posts:
  • a post linking to an article on another blog and containing your opinion about it
  • a post informing your readers about a news in your niche
  • a post asking a question to your readers and aiming to initiate a discussion
  • a post highlighting a new resource or trick that you discovered and that would be useful to your readers
While killers articles are essential to promote your blog and bring new readers aboard, normal posts are the ones that will create diversity in your content and keep your readers engaged. 

Is that what you want to learn to bring your readers in? if this article help you to do this then fine and get ready to enjoy for the deeds.So, live happily and Earn Merrily!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How to Achieve Success from Past Defeats

All we know from the very begining of our life that failure is the pillar of success but in real life can we see the reflection of it always? Although it cann't happen always but there are all possibilities that success come from the failure if we'v the guts and persevearance to make it happen. So find out, in this regard what Alicia Says all about.....

" Quitting a job, flunking a test, blowing your diet...maybe forgetting to learn from failure, is part of the human condition. Corporate executives, world leaders and stay-at-home moms all make mistakes in the course of their lives. Achieving success from past defeats is attainable. In fact, how people deal with failure is what defines true success.

When a Door Closes, a Window Opens
Today's poor economic climate has thrown many people into the world of unemployment. While it can be devastating to worry about how to pay a mortgage and feed your family when your job is gone, many people use this massive change as a way to rethink what they really want out of life. Always wanted to open a bakery or sell your handmade greeting cards? Give it a go. If you don't try, you will never know how successful you might have been.

Comparison to Others Is Not Always Fruitful

Do you have a friend who runs a business, volunteers at the local animal shelter and has an incredible organic vegetable garden, too? Or a colleague that can whip up a five-course dinner in an hour as well as turn a fixer-upper house into something you'd see in House Beautiful? Women in our society often compare themselves to these do-it-all types, making themselves feel inadequate. This helps no one. Celebrate the things you do well and do not stress about what other people achieve. Chances are, these women see you as successful and well-rounded. And, not surprisingly, even the most seemingly "perfect" women have their own issues.

There Is No One Right Path to Success

Our society often defines success in a cookie-cutter way. The big house in the suburbs, the fancy cars in the driveway, the kids who look like models for the Gap... Just like with clothes, one size does not fit all. You are an intelligent woman and have made your own way to wherever you are at this moment. Maybe there are decisions in your past that you regret. Everyone has them. Dream, journal, talk to friends about your visions for what you'd like your life to look like in five, ten or twenty-five years, and then take the steps to make those goals and pictures come alive. In short, have courage in your convictions.

After a Fall, Pick Yourself Up and Start Again

If you've ever watched a toddler learning to walk, there are inevitably spills involved. But did you also notice what the parents do after the fall? They coo at their little one, "It's OK, honey, you can do it."  Why can't grownups do this for themselves and each other? Maybe your friend broke her leg, right in the middle of training for a triathlon. You remind her that she'll recover and can train again when the time is right. Be as kind to yourself as you are with others. Make the time to exercise. Work on that novel or business plan you have put on hold for eons. Your road to success may be windy or potholed, but don't let the failures stop you from the successes that certainly await you."

About the author: Alicia Klepeis is a freelance writer living in upstate New York. A former middle school geography teacher, she has written for the National Geographic Society, as well as magazines including The Dollar Stretcher, Fun For Kidz, Kiki and Sprinkles.

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